Tips to Minimize Wintertime Cold Risk

Even though we’re still contending with COVID, it’s important to remember how to protect yourself and others from wintertime colds and the flu. Along with mask wearing and hand washing, here are a few more tips to help you avoid those bugs that seem to like to hang around in the winter.

·      Avoid touching your eyes, mouth and nose with unwashed hands. Next to airborne droplets, this is the easiest way for viruses to enter the body.

·      Stay away from sick people. If you must take care of a loved one who is sick, remember to wear a mask and wash your hands as often as possible.

·      Learn the signs of a cold and stay home when you are sick. This goes for children too. Keep anyone who is sick away from others in order to prevent spreading a cold or virus.

·      Cough or sneeze into your elbow/shirt sleeve or a tissue, covering the mouth and nose as completely as possible. Teach children this practice.

·      Avoid close contact with others, including those in your household.

·      Eat your veggies, especially the most colorful ones, which are known to boost the immune system with vitamin C.

·      Get some vitamin D. Most Americans don’t get enough vitamin D, which can lead to a weakened immune system. Find a supplement with D3 and eat things high in D like egg yolks, mushrooms, salmon and canned tuna.

·      Exercise. Keeping active helps your white blood cells circulate so they can fight off infections.

·      Get some good rest. Quality sleep is crucial if you’ve been exposed to an illness.

It’s nearly impossible to avoid the common cold, but these tips and others can help you minimize your risk of exposure and extended suffering. And practicing good cold hygiene can help you avoid colds and other bugs all year round.

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