Knowing the Signs of Intimate Partner Violence

The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence reports that there are more than 20,000 calls placed to domestic violence hotlines every day. The numbers have only gotten worse since the onset of COVID.

According to the CDC, nearly 10 million people experience intimate partner violence every year in the US. Intimate partner violence can include but is not limited to physical violence, sexual violence, and/or stalking. Results can range from injury, fearfulness, PTSD, contraction of sexually transmitted diseases and can ultimately lead to death.

Learning the signs of intimate partner violence for loved ones and for yourself could make all the difference.

Outside of physical violence, an abusive partner may try to establish power and control over the other partner. Signs include:

·      Negging or telling you that you never do anything right.

·      Showing extreme jealousy of your friends or any time you spend with them.

·      Preventing or discouraging you from spending time with friends, family members or coworkers.

·      Insulting, demeaning or shaming you, especially in front of other people.

·      Preventing you from making your own decisions. This can include decisions about working or attending school but can be as seemingly small as what you eat or wear.

·      Controlling finances in the household without discussion, including taking your money or refusing to provide money for necessary expenses.

·      Pressuring you to have sex or perform sexual acts you’re not comfortable with.

·      Pressuring you to use drugs or alcohol.

·      Intimidating you through threatening looks or actions.

·      Insulting your parenting or threatening to harm or take away your children or pets.

·      Intimidating you with weapons like guns, knives, bats or pepper spray.

·      Destroying your belongings or your home.

 It can be difficult to get out of an intimate partner violence situation, but there are resources available to help.

You can visit ( to learn about resources near you.  Or, the National Domestic Violence Hotline can help you create a plan. Text START to 88788 or call 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) to reach out to them. There is also a live chat on their website (link -

If you’re in immediate danger call 911 or if you’re able to get to this or any other pharmacy, ask the pharmacist for “Mask-19” and they will call 911 for you immediately. Everyone deserves to feel safe and valued.

About RevanRx

Everyone deserves to have their pharmaceutical needs met without fear or embarrassment. RevanRx is a full-service and compounding pharmacy, specializing in the unique needs of the LGBT+ community in Oklahoma, Missouri, and Kansas.

We hope to increase patient adherence and access to care for those who would otherwise not feel comfortable receiving medications or medication counseling in a public setting, avoiding embarrassing public conversations, misgendering, or refusal of service. Visit us at and like us on Facebook.