Three Most Asked Pharmaceutical Questions Answered

Pharmacists get asked so many questions. And we love it! Here are just a few of the questions we’re asked most frequently.

Can patient age affect side effects for some medications?

Side effects of certain medications can accentuate any memory issues a person may be having so it’s especially important to pay attention to any changes in memory for an elderly patient. Some sleep aids can cause brain fog and dizziness which could affect mobility and even the ability to stand. If these side effects occur, your health care provider should be notified and dosage may need to be reduced.

Do I have to take my medication at the same time every day?

To get the most benefit from a medication, it’s important to get on as regular of a schedule as possible. This decreases the likelihood that you’ll miss a dose and ensures you’re getting the right med at the right time. For instance, it could be bad to accidentally take a medication that can cause drowsiness in the morning if you usually take it at night.

How long is a medicine good after the expiration date?

As noted in a previous blog on the subject, a study of more than 100 drugs, conducted by the FDA at the request of the military, concluded that while they may not be as effective, most over the counter and prescription medications remain safe to take past their expiration date. With the exceptions of tetracycline, nitroglycerin, insulin and liquid antibiotics, many medications are as long-lasting as the ones tested in that FDA/military study. Storing medicines in a cool, dry place will also help them last longer. It’s always best to check with your pharmacist before taking any expired drugs to be safe.

Remember that your pharmacist is a great resource when you have questions. We’re here to help!

About RevanRx

Everyone deserves to have their pharmaceutical needs met without fear or embarrassment. RevanRx is a full-service and compounding pharmacy, specializing in the unique needs of the LGBT+ community in Oklahoma, Missouri, and Kansas.

 We hope to increase patient adherence and access to care for those who would otherwise not feel comfortable receiving medications or medication counseling in a public setting, avoiding embarrassing public conversations, misgendering, or refusal of service. Visit us at and like us on Facebook.