Teen pregnancy and prevention

Teen pregnancy rates have steadily declined in the last few decades, but the U.S. still has one of the highest rates of teen pregnancy in the developed world. Having a child is a life-changing event, maybe even more so for teens. Infants born to teens have higher mortality rates and depending on where they’re located, it can be incredibly difficult to get the parenting support and education that’s needed to take care of a baby.

 Many factors contribute to teen pregnancy:

·      Inadequate sexual education/information

·      Lack of available contraception or inability to afford contraception

·      Embarrassment at seeking or asking for contraception

As they develop, adolescents and young adults need access to evidence-based, unbiased and

non-stigmatizing information, education and services that will support lifelong sexual and reproductive health and well-being.

According to Aletha Y. Akers of the Guttmacher institute “It is our inability to reconcile the unrealistic expectation in the U.S. that teens not have sex or get pregnant” and society has a duty to “Support all teens, including those who are sexually active, pregnant or parenting.”

To help teen pregnancy rates decline it is imperative that we invest in age appropriate comprehensive sex education that provides medically accurate, complete, inclusive information and services. At Revan Rx and Revan Health we’re also working to break those barriers to care so more teens can take charge of their sexual and reproductive health. We strive to be a safe haven for our patients and to treat them with dignity and respect no matter their age or situation.

Our partner Revan Health works closely with Take Control Initiative to get free condoms to those who need them. Tulsa residents, including teens, can get free condoms by stopping in or via mail. Take Control Initiative also offers numerous methods of birth control through various clinics throughout the Tulsa area and will even provide Lyft rides to those who need them. Take Control Initiative’s mission is “to ensure individuals have the resources and information to decide if and when they want to become pregnant in an effort to honor and support their autonomy and safety.” TCI also works to remove the systemic barriers, whether financial, transportation, language or any other logistical barriers to fulfill their mission.

About RevanRx

Everyone deserves to have their pharmaceutical needs met without fear or embarrassment. RevanRx is a full-service and compounding pharmacy, specializing in the unique needs of the LGBT+ community in Oklahoma, Missouri, and Kansas.

We hope to increase patient adherence and access to care for those who would otherwise not feel comfortable receiving medications or medication counseling in a public setting, avoiding embarrassing public conversations, misgendering, or refusal of service. Visit us at Revanrx.com and like us on Facebook.