Stocking Your Emergency Preparedness Kit

There are very few of us who don’t live somewhere where natural disasters occur. Whether you live near a fault line, a fire prone forest or in Tornado Alley, it’s important to be prepared when disaster strikes.

According to the American Red Cross, it’s important to have at least three days of supplies on hand for each member of your household. Following are recommendations for what to include in your survival kit to keep your family safe and healthy in the immediate aftermath.

·      Water is crucial. A gallon of water a day is the ideal amount to have on hand for each person.

·      Medical supplies that are used on a daily basis. Things like extra hearing aids and batteries, glasses, contact lenses, syringes and daily medications are a necessary addition to your kit. OTC pain relievers and antacids will also come in handy.

·      If you have a baby, make sure to stash extra bottles, formula, baby food and diapers.

·      Don’t forget your pets! Keep extra food, carriers and leashes in your kit.

·      Include non-perishable foods like canned goods.

 Other things to include:

·      First-aid kit

·      Multi-purpose tool

·      Batteries

·      Flashlight

·      Copies of personal documents like medication lists, passports, birth certificates and insurance policies

·      Personal hygiene items like tampons and pads, sanitary wipes, and toothbrushes and toothpaste

·      Cellphone chargers

·      Extra cash

·      Blankets or sleeping bags

·      Manual can opener

·      N95 masks

·      Hand sanitizer

·      A whistle to signal for help

·      Plastic sheeting and duct tape in case there is a need for makeshift shelter

Having a fully stocked emergency preparedness kit could make all the difference when it comes to the safety of you and your loved ones. Grab a large backpack or tub with a sealing lid and store it near an exit in your home for easy access if the time comes to use it.

RevanRx is a full-service and compounding pharmacy providing service locally and delivery to Oklahoma, Missouri and Kansas. We hope to increase patient adherence and access to care for those who would otherwise not feel comfortable receiving medications or medication counseling in a public setting, avoiding embarrassing public conversations, misgendering or refusal of service. We also specialize in the unique needs of the LGBT+ community.

