Our Commitment to HIV Treatment

According to HIV.gov approximately 1.2 million people in the U.S. are living with HIV today. One in seven don’t know they have it and need to be tested. HIV continues to have a disproportionate impact on certain populations, particularly racial and ethnic minorities and gay and bisexual men.

An estimated 36,400 new HIV infections occurred in the United States in 2018. And HIV diagnoses are not evenly distributed across states and regions. The highest rates of new diagnoses continue to occur in the South.

All this means it is important to schedule your HIV test with your primary care provider at your next visit or your annual physical, especially if you fall into one or more of the groups that are disproportionately affected.

Revan Health offers free HIV and STD testing year-round and Director of Pharmacy Services at our on-site pharmacy, Revan Rx, is certified in HIV education and is pursuing accreditation as an American Academy of HIV Medicine Pharmacist. This means he is especially equipped to help formulate a treatment program for those who are diagnosed with HIV.

It’s possible to live a full and productive life with an HIV diagnosis but the earlier treatment starts, the better the outcome. At Revan, we will work with you to help manage your HIV. We will also counsel you about using condoms, taking PrEP or other forms of HIV protection.

Everyone deserves to have their pharmaceutical needs met without fear or embarrassment. RevanRx is a full-service and compounding pharmacy, specializing in the unique needs of the LGBT+ community in Oklahoma, Missouri, and Kansas.

We hope to increase patient adherence and access to care for those who would otherwise not feel comfortable receiving medications or medication counseling in a public setting, avoiding embarrassing public conversations, misgendering, or refusal of service. Visit us at Revanrx.com and like us on Facebook.